Tuesday, January 15, 2013

a silver platter of strong hopes

My friends and I were doing this serious talk like someone's gathered us for FGD; and the topics revolved much about how 2012 was like and what are each and everyone's plans and struggles. Being the introvert that I am, I just couldn't open up and tell them how corny we are. But kidding aside, I have had realizations which I keep to myself, pretending I am not paying much attention as I am looking through what songs would fit the discussion. So while I am playing DJ during the talk, it came to me that my set of problems for 2012 which appear to be gravely scary for a lot, and the home situation of another, are just the same. We are given sets of problems. Placed in unruly predicaments that come alongside hate and pain. But our realities and struggles are merely the same. Not in terms of quantity or graveness. The way we deal with things depends on how our realities are served and presented to us.

Year 2012 was one of, if it's not, the toughest years I lived in. And through all the challenges I had to face, I proved myself strong. Oh yeah! It's always as simple as holding on and never giving up. Shine bright like a diamond! Haha But yeah, it makes me proud of every one who deals with their problems with hopes and spirits.

Pretending 2012 as an entity, here is my tribute to the year that served me courses of different emotions, witnessed me laugh and cry, and brought me into a different perspective. You rocked the shiznit out of me, 2012. I love you.

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