Tuesday, September 1, 2009

phone pal

i can't sleep.

even if i like to shut this laptop down, i feel like there's something that needs to be done. and for a reason, i'm becoming used to sleeping early in the morning, forgetting the things that needs to be done in the morning.

i got a phonecall from a friend that woke my senses up. well, it wasn't him i talked to for like 30 minutes, it was his friend i don't even know and it sort of bugs me. i don't know. I just can't tell him I don't talk to people i don't know but then we are talking as if he knew me. well, he knows things about me though. no big deal here, it's just that i'm not used to this. anywho, i would be deleting this post when i would get to realize how senseless this is but then, just like all my blog entries, i will decide to keep it, to check how much my thinking and writing skills have been affected with stress and emotion as time passed by. and like every blog entry, i would have a stupid ending. just like this.

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